The whole decimal number can be converted into binary Number system by repeated divisions by (2). And write the result from bottom to top. A fractional decimal part can be converted into binary by repeated multiplication by (2) and write the result from top to bottom
Decimal number can be converted into octal number by repeated divisions by 8 and write the result from bottom to top. A fractional decimal part can be converted into octal by repeating multiplications by 8 and write the result from top to bottom. In general a decimal number can be converted into any other system by repeated divisions by phase and write the result from bottom to top. Similarly a fractional decimal part can be converted into any number system by repeated multiplication by base and write the result from top to bottom.
A binary number can be converted into decimal by multiplying each binary digit with its weight and sum the products
An octal number can be converted into decimal by multiplying each octal digit with its weight and sum the products
Hexadecimal to decimal number can be converted into decimal by multiplying each hexadecimal digit with its weight and sum the products