Following are the Minimization Techniques used in DLD
A k-map is a standard method for minimization of Boolean expression. If it is properly used then k-map provides minimized or simplified form of Boolean Expression.
The structure of K-map is based on adjacent cells. A k-map contains 2n adjacent cells each representing 1 input combination in product form, where n is the number of variables.
Two cells or minterms are said to be adjacent to each other if and only if they differ by single input variable. Example: A ̅B and AB are adjacent minterms which A ̅B and AB are not adjacent minterms
How to minimize/simplify the boolean expression using K-Map?
Procedure:Sum of minterms Boolean expression can be plotted in K-Map by placing 1 for each minterm. Similarly products of minterms Boolean expression can be plotted in k-map by placing 0 for each maxterms
minimum numbers of combinations that will cover maximum number of minterms. From k-map you can obtain two types of Boolean expression
When we will make combination of 1’s then type of expression we will get from k-map is called Sum of Product in Boolean expression
We will make combinations of 0’s then type of expression we will get from k-map is called product of sums Boolean expression
Both truth table and K-map describes the behavior of logic ckt or Boolean Expressions. The truth table contains all possible input combinations of their input variables with corresponding outputs in sequence form, while k-map also contains all possible input combinations of their input variable with corresponding outputs in adjacency form but the main advantage of k-map is that we can get minimized form of Boolean Expressions.